at Covenant Community Church
Please join us!
10:30am • The Chapel at Wears Valley Ranch
(100 One Fine Pl, Sevierville, TN 37862)
Keep reading to learn more about Sundays at Covenant Community Church.
Growth Groups
Sundays at 9am
Groups Available for Various Ages
Groups meet in various spaces near the chapel. For directions, stop by the Gallery (lower level door to the left of the chapel entrance). We would be glad to help you find the group that is right for you!

Bringing Kids?
We love children! Kids are invited to join us for service with their families at 10:30am. A cry room and nursery are available. On all but the first Sunday of the month, children are also invited to age-specific Growth Groups at 9am. Learn more using the button below.
what our services are like
You are welcome. People from all walks of life are part of Covenant Community Church. We trust you will find a warm welcome from our members and regular attenders.
The Gospel is central. The Gospel is the good news that God loved the world by sending His Son to die for sinners who had rebelled against Him. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and what we deserve for our sin is eternal death. Yet Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead provide the payment for sin and the guarantee of everlasting life to all who trust in Him. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. Yet to all who believed Him, he gave the power to become children of God. That is good news indeed!
The Bible is taught. The Bible is God's Word. It is entirely true and trustworthy and is unlike any other book ever written. Each week at Covenant Community Church, you'll hear the Bible taught verse-by-verse (commonly called “expository” preaching). You’ll grow in your own ability to read, interpret, and apply the Bible to your walk with the Lord.
We sing together. We believe the gathered church should celebrate our Great God through the singing of songs together. We love corporate worship and hope you will join us as we gather weekly to sing and celebrate king Jesus. Click Here for a list of the songs we sung as a Church this past year.

finding the building
Covenant Community Church meets in the chapel at Wears Valley Ranch. As you enter on the main drive, the chapel is the first building you come to.
Parking is available in front of the chapel, along the drive on the screened porch sides of the dining hall, and in the lower lot near the tennis courts.
Handicapped parking is available right outside the chapel. Next, find the gallery entrance on the lower level, to the left of the chapel front doors. Just inside the gallery, you will find accessible restrooms and an elevator to the sanctuary.