St. Andrew’s Institute of Biblical Studies

Pastoral Internship

What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2

St. Andrew's Institute is a 12 month Residential Internship for those exploring or pursuing pastoral ministry.

Don't let the name Saint mislead you. We are a protestant, evangelical ministry. If you are familiar with John Piper, Voddie Bauckam, Tom Ascol, and The Gospel Coalition, you can expect like-minded theology at St. Andrew's Institute.

The Apostle Andrew is someone we desire to emulate. In John's gospel Andrew introduces his brother Simon to Jesus and the boy with the loaves and fish when Jesus fed the 5,000. We desire to do the same. Bring people to Jesus!

During a 12 month internship, young men (19–30yrs) will make life-long friends while learning from seasoned leaders in the context of everyday ministry. As Mentors at Wears Valley Ranch, all SAIBS interns receive free room and board plus a monthly stipend.

Gain real-life pastoral experience while making a life-long impact.

Through our partnership with one of the largest conservative evangelical, accredited seminaries in the United States, interns can receive nine free hours of credit toward an undergrad or graduate ministry degree. The following three classes taught at SAIBS provide an essential foundation for the public and private ministry of God's Word.

Pastoral Leadership

Dr. Jordan Branch and the Elders of Covenant Community Church provide wisdom and insight into leading the local church.

Biblical Counseling

Learn how to counsel those who have experienced suffering. Learn how to mediate conflict. The private ministry of the word is essential to all pastoral ministry.

Expositional Preaching

SAIBS interns gain valuable experience in learning how to prepare and deliver sermons. Interns have regular opportunities to teach and preach.

In the context of local church and para-church ministry, you will grow the following skills: leading, preaching, counseling, and peacemaking. These essential pastoral skills will equip you for future ministry wherever the Lord takes you.

We partner with the following ministries in offering our pastoral internship

Wears Valley Ranch is a Christian Residential Children's Home which boarders the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Through a relationship with Covenant Community Church, which partners with the Pillar Network, interns have the opportunity to benefit from Pillar training and networking.
We partner with Southeastern's Equip Network to offer undergraduate and graduate credit for our classes. Credit from Southeastern is easily transfered to any evangelical school or seminary.

St. Andrew’s Institute of Biblical Studies is directed by Dr. Jordan Branch. Dr. Branch has served as a Pastor, Church Planter, and Ministry Director in North Carolina, Colorado, and now Tennessee. He holds a MDiv and DMin from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Branch is married to Jessica and they have three children. He is a fan of bluegrass music, Atlanta Braves Baseball, and National Parks.